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# Portfolio V2

The second version of my portfolio website is built using the Jekyll static site generator. It showcases my projects, skills, and professional background through a minimalistic design. This version also includes a contact form, facilitating easy communication.

## About the project

The second version of my portfolio website is built using the Jekyll static site generator. It showcases my projects, skills, and professional background through a minimalistic design, providing a clean and intuitive user experience.


Project Filtering

One of the key features of this version is the ability to filter projects based on skills. This allows visitors to easily find projects relevant to specific technologies or expertise areas.


The website also highlights my professional milestones, giving a clear timeline of my achievements and growth in the industry. This section provides a detailed view of my career progress and significant accomplishments.

Contact Form

The contact page includes a user-friendly form for easy communication. When a message is sent, users will receive a confirmation email, ensuring that their inquiry has been successfully submitted.


This updated version of my portfolio not only demonstrates my work and skills more effectively but also enhances user interaction through improved functionality and design. It serves as a comprehensive showcase of my professional journey and capabilities.


## Gallery